sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

My favourite toy

Foto: María Griselda García Cuerva

My favourite toy

Looking at my doll
I remember old times,
how happy I was
when my father gave it to me!
It's unspoilt as I look after it,
it's my favourite toy,
it brings me memories
of my beautiful childhood.
Its clothes are the same
as the ones worn many years ago,
they are in good condition,
I keep them safe.
My doll is a treasure for me,
when I take it in my arms
my heart beats fast,
it'll be a gift for ever.

 María Griselda García Cuerva

2 comentarios:

  1. Desearte, amiga María Griselda, unas Felices Pascuas de Resurrección...Que se haga realidad en nuestras vidas. Con el cariño de siempre

  2. Gracias, Graciela, perdón por la demora en la respuesta, recién veo tu comentario, hacía meses que no entraba, hoy me decidí a subir algo nuevo aquí.
    Un beso
