domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

A sunny afternoon

Photo: Getty Images

A sunny afternoon
It's a sunny afternoon
and my spirits rise,
my soul is full of warmth,
I find true happiness.
The intense blue of the sky
makes me feel alive,
I try to seize a sunbeam,
the place becomes magical.
Butterflies fly among the flowers
and their wings show bright markings,
branches sway gently with the breeze,
leaves turn into precious emeralds.
The garden fraught with colours
looks like a nice picture,
I stand gazing at the view,
I'm enraptured by its charm.
It's a sunny afternoon
and the hope springs,
the beauty of the world
is in front of my eyes.
María Griselda García Cuerva.

Tiempo dorado

Photo: Getty Images

Tiempo dorado

Mirando las pálidas nubes

mis pupilas se agigantan

cuando encuentran una figura

que balancea gloriosos recuerdos.

Brota el tiempo dorado

en los caminos de mi mente

deteniéndose en frente

de los dulces sueños.

La primavera florece

en el lecho de mi corazón

trayendo miradas cristalinas

y cálidas sonrisas.

Asoma el sol de oro,

su luz se derrama

sobre mi mágico mundo

con un excelso resplandor.

Mis ojos se deleitan

en la inmensidad del cielo

donde brilla el amor

celebrando la vida.

María Griselda García Cuerva

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

Acrostic poem

Photo: Reuters Pictures


Boats sailing on the sea
Raise my spirits,
I image love stories
Looking at the clear water.
Like a romantic teenager
I live in a complete dream
And images fill my mind
Nurturing my soul.
Closing my eyes I sigh
Embracing the fantastic life.

María Griselda García Cuerva